On May 28 2025, all around the world, hundreds of thousands of people will come together and celebrate the diversity, tolerance and scope of practiced (or non-practiced!) Judaism which binds us together as a family.

Behold how good and how pleasant it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity!”

Psalms 133:1

We know our communities are disjointed. Many of us, mired in our daily obligations, put our heads down and focus on our own separate corners of the world:

Take the dog to the vet.

Write up that report.

Get tomorrow’s proposal out.

Clean the gutters.

Remember to recycle.

Drive the oldest to violin lessons on time.

Eat your vegetables.

Pick up milk on your way home.

But there is something bigger. Something more significant. Something worthwhile: our potential as a unified Jewish nation.

Unity Day’s purpose is to earmark one day to consider consciously deriving strength from our wholeness, our uniting across labels, across compartments, and across communities. Unity of the Jewish people depends upon a daily, practiced, behavioral investment.

It is imperative to our very survival as a nation – as a people – to understand that what divides us is insignificant in comparison to what we hold in common. The Jewish people are many-colored, multi-faceted, and come in every shape, size, language, nationality, political leaning and temperament. That diversity is our strength, and a strength that we actualize only when we respect and accept that we are not the same – and that we are all the better for it.

On Unity Day, come as you are.

Learn how to live, breathe and practice unity in your corner of the world through your daily interactions.